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Four Great Recipes to Serve at Your Purim Party

PJ Library Purim Party at the J

Purim*, the fun and celebratory holiday that commemorates the Jewish people’s survival against great odds, is coming up on Sunday, March 12! This joyous holiday is a great opportunity to have a party and wow your guests with these four special recipes!

  1. Hamentaschen of course! These three-cornered cookies are Purim favorite. Whether you stick with traditional recipes, or think outside of the box with something new, check out Tori Avey’s instructions on how to get a perfect hamentaschen every time!
    Purim Treats
  2. Purim Party Punch. Liven up your get-together with a colorful punch! This deliciously sweet, slushy, and tangy drink will bring smiles to your guests faces.
    Purim Treats
  3. Cheese Bourekas. Savory, flaky, buttery, piping hot cheese bourekas are the ultimate comfort food!
    Purim Treats
  4. Kreplach. The reasons for why we eat these dumplings at Purim may have been lost, but they are so tasty we don’t need to know why!
    Purim Treats

What are your favorite Purim recipes? Let us know in the comments below!

*Learn more about Purim and other Jewish holidays on our website.

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