The Lap Pool will reopen Saturday, October 19. The Indoor Aquatics Center will be open regular business hours.
Woman holding her grandchild
Men in softball uniforms posing
Elderly women playing Mah Jongg
A girl smiling with paint on her.
Teens posing in Israel for March of the Living
Women working out

Connecting people so that they can live happier and fuller lives.

Featured Events

Whether it’s diving into personal fitness, discovering fun youth programming, or appreciating the arts, get involved with the Mayerson JCC by exploring our upcoming featured events.



The blue ribbon symbolizes support and solidarity for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in Israel. It symbolizes solidarity with the hostages, their families, and all who care about their safety. Learn more below.

Trending Programs

Take a look at some of our most popular programs in fitness & wellness, sports & recreation, aquatics, the arts, and more.

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Our mission and values

The Mayerson JCC connects people so that they can live happier and fuller lives, creating a more vibrant Jewish community.

Family smiling and eating outside at a picnic.
Couple smiling an indoor event.
A winning baseball team wearing blue uniforms..
Cross training. Young woman exercising with dumbbells.

Join The J

When you join the J, you’re doing more than just joining a fitness center; you’re becoming a member of a truly wonderful community.

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The JCC is so much more than just a building—it’s the heartbeat of our community. We help people to connect with others, to support a healthy lifestyle, and to experience the joy of being a part of a welcoming community rooted in Jewish values.

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An outdoor view of the Mayerson JCC building.