The Combo Pool (hot tub, play feature, shallow water) is open and the Lap Pool will open October 20. The Outdoor Pool is closed for the season.
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Special Education Law: Advocating for Your Child

Join us for Special Education Law: Advocating for Your Child and get answers to IEPs, 504 plans, and more.
Kindergarten Teacher Supports Child on Class


September 21, 2023


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm



September 21, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

Speaker: Carla Loon Leader

Do you have questions about IEPs, 504 plans, extended year services or just daily school services? Join attorney Carla Loon Leader for a seminar on Special Education Law and Advocacy. Leader’s practice focuses on special education and education rights matters, recognizing that assisting students in obtaining appropriate support and educational services to meet their unique and often complicated needs is crucial to ensuring current and future success.

Cross training. Young woman exercising with dumbbells.

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