The Indoor Aquatics Center is closed for repairs. The Outdoor Pool will open at 1pm Monday, September 16. (Lower than usual water temperature may cause difficulty in breathing.) Learn more here.
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PJ Library

PJ Library Goes Apple Picking!

Join us for apple picking!
Kids picking apples


September 15


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


J Members: $18 | Public: $22

September 15 @ 3:00 pm 4:30 pm

L’shana Tova! Join PJ Library for an afternoon of Rosh Hashanah fun at McGlasson Farm. Apple picking and more awaits! 

RSVP required. Each registration is for one picker for half a bushel (about 20 pounds) of apples.

NOTE: In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.

Cross training. Young woman exercising with dumbbells.

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