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Judaism Inbound: An Introduction to Judaism for Everyone

Join us for Judaism Inbound and gain more insight into Judaism through this course.

Judaism Inbound



Thursdays, November 7 – February 6
5:30 – 7pm | Mayerson JCC 
Sliding Scale: $299 – $499 
If cost is a barrier, please contact us about payment options at [email protected]
Facilitated by Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp 

Take a deep dive into Judaism’s core ideas, texts, and practices. This class explores what being Jewish has looked like in the past and scouts ahead for what it could look like in the future. Part lecture series, part study club, and part spiritual laboratory, this series is designed to teach about and challenge mainstream Judaism. This introduction to Judaism course is built around the notion that Judaism is constantly changing and is in a period of especially radical change. We believe that there is no singular way to teach “what Jews believe” or “what Jews do.” 

Judaism Inbound is an introduction to Judaism class that covers Judaism as a religion, Judaism as history, and Judaism as a culture, with a “spiritual but not religious” approach. It is meant for a wide variety of people, but a perfect course for those considering conversion, in multi-faith relationships, seeking to unlearn/relearn a new framing around Judaism, or just curious about Judaism. 

Course participants will also have opportunities for learning and community building, including Shabbat dinners, special topic workshops, a 24-hour retreat, rabbinic mentorship, and more. These benefits are optional and provided at no additional cost for enrolled students.

The full price value of Judaism Inbound is $499. We are glad to be able to offer subsidized prices in a sliding-scale, pay-what-you-can format. If you would like information about a payment plan, please select “pay later” when registering on the credit card page and contact us at [email protected].

Presented in partnership by the Mayerson JCC and Judaism Unbound 


Course Topics
November 7 | Jewish Beginnings
November 14 | Thinking Jewish: Foundational Jewish Ideas
November 21 | Learning Jewish: Foundational Jewish Texts
December 5 | Believing Jewish: God (and God optional and no God)
December 12 | Doing Jewish: Halacha
December 19 | Jewish Standard Time: Calendar and Holidays
January 2 | Abundantly Jewish: Shabbat
January 9 | Living Jewish: Lifecycle Moments
January 16 | Being Jewish: Spiritual Life
January 23 | Jewish Storytelling: History, Memory & (Dis)Continuity
January 30 | Jewish Peoplehood: Antisemitism, Zionism & Blurred Lines of Allegiance
February 6 | Conclusion: Innovation and Inspiration