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Arts, Ideas & Jewish Life

Jewish & Israeli Film Festival

Adult Programs

The Mayerson JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Festival presents a diverse, inspiring lineup of award-winning films and engaging, educational programming that connects to the Jewish and Israeli stories. 

Jewish and Israeli Film Festival


All ticketing for in-person and virtual events will take place on our Eventive site HERE.

The Mayerson JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Festival presents a diverse, inspiring lineup of award-winning films and engaging, educational programming that connects to Jewish and Israeli stories.

The 2025 Film Festival is entirely in-person, including film showings and special events. There are four multi-access film opportunities, which offer virtual viewing options for feature films in addition to the in-person showings.

  • 12 in-person film showings and select companion special features; please note the specific venue and time at which each event will take place.
  • 4 of the festival’s 12 films will offer virtual film showings with 48-hour watch availability; please note the specific geographic regions in which each virtual film is available.
  • Only film, not special feature, runtimes are noted. All times listed are Eastern Time.

These films are not rated and are recommended for mature audiences. The selected films do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Mayerson JCC, Festival Committee, staff, board, sponsors, or volunteers.

Film Festival ticket sales, as well as virtual content, will take place on the Eventive platform. If you have attended past Film Festivals or already have an Eventive account, you will be prompted to login; if you are new to Eventive, please create an account.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully in our programs. To request an accommodation for Film Festival events please contact [email protected].

Additional help and FAQs about the festival and Eventive can be found HERE. You can also visit for technical information and support, available 9am – 3am ET, 7 days a week, through Live Chat. 

The mission of the Mayerson JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Festival is to educate, engage, and create connections within the Jewish community and beyond with the broader Cincinnati community. The Festival presents quality films that broaden and challenge perspectives, entertain, and appeal to a wide audience base. The views and opinions expressed in the films and special events in the Festival are those of the filmmakers or speakers. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Mayerson JCC, Festival Committee, staff, board, sponsors, or volunteers. 

Tickets On Sale Now!


We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully in our programs. To request an accommodation for Film Festival events please contact [email protected].

The Mayerson JCC offers need-based financial assistance in an effort to make JCC programming accessible. Contact [email protected] to apply.

2025 Jewish & Israeli Film Festival Program Book

Please view more information about each film and the special events for this year’s Jewish & Israeli Film Festival.

See below for details of the many years of film festivals for which we have records.

2025 Film Festival Sponsors

Presenting Sponsor:

Rockwern Charitable Foundation

Rockwern CF Logo



Annual Arts & Ideas Sponsors:

The Rockwern Charitable Foundation

Jean E. Feinberg

Friedlander Family

Jen & John Stein

The Film Festival speakers are supported by the Roslyn W. and Jule Gildenblatt Memorial Endowment “as a living legacy to their commitment to the Jewish community and to the heritage of pluralistic Jewish study.”


LKC Foundation: In Memory of Lucille K. Carothers

Evelyn & Marc Fisher

Suzette & Michael Fisher

Aimee & Ian Guttman

Paul Heldman & Debbie Kirshner


Katz Teller Logo

Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown |  Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center

Jen & John Stein 



Marcie & Nathan Bachrach
Sara & Richard Behrman
Gina & Jon Blatt
Alison & Bret Caller
Coldwell Banker Realty
Aaron Weiner, Realtor
Sally & Marty Hiudt
Idit & Jon Isaacsohn
Lara & Ronnen Isakov
Cindy Jarnicki
Patricia & Scott Joseph
Deborah & John Moffatt
Susan Brenner & Steven Mombach
Nina & Edward Paul
Dianne & J. David Rosenberg
Abby & David Schwartz
Jo Ellen & Mort Spitz
Sherri & Adam Symson
Waldman & Company CPA’s
Weil Kahn Funeral Home


Linda & Andrew Berger
Fran & Craig Coleman
Jennifer & Eric Dauer
Carol Friedman
Shelly Gerson
Beth & Louis Guttman
Miriam Terlinchamp & David C. Harris
Julie & Rick Kantor
Amy Klein
Molly & Les Polasky
Sue Price
Cynthia & Bob Rosen
Jeanne & Michael Schmerler
Holly & Josh Wolfson


Amy Schur & Steve Albert
Marci & Gary Blachman
Kathy & Dr. Louis Claybon
Bonnie & Darryl Dick
Claire & Alan Eichner
Diana & Henry Fenichel
Jan Goldstein & Charles Frank
Karen & Richard Goodman
Lois & Jeff Gushin
Felicia Zakem & Ken Heldman
Rabbi Shena & Brian Jaffee
Sandra & Stephen Joffe
Marcy & Mark Kanter
Mary Sutton & Daniel Kanter
Arlene & Bill Katz
Margie & Chuck Kessel
Jerry Klein Family Endowment Fund
Cissy & Bob Lenobel
Robin & Fred Miller
Jenny & Bob Oestreicher
Judith L. Roth
Stacey & David Schimberg
Martha & Lee Schimberg
Sharon & Walter Spiegel
Paul Spitz
Debra & Michael Steinbuch
Sarah Topy
Cynthia & Conrad Weiner
Amy Susskind Weiskopf & David Weiskopf
Debbie & Dick Westheimer
Ronna & Dr. James Willis
Judy Zipkin


BBYO Cincinnati
Camp Livingston
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Hillel
Cincinnati Skirball Museum and Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
elech: Creating Queer Jewish Belonging
FC Cincinnati
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center
Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati – Guardians and Friends
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Silver Circle Society and Create Your Jewish Legacy
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish Fertility Foundation – Cincinnati
Jewish Home of Cincinnati
JVS Careers
Mayerson JCC 20s & 30s
Shomrei Olam – Jewish Environmental Advocates of Cincinnati
TOPICZ Convenience Store Specialists


Aaron Weiner, Chair
Marcie Bachrach
Lauren Bowen
Alison Caller
Martha Geller
Evan Gildenblatt
Lauren Goldberg
Sam Greene
Erik Jensen
Margie Kessel
Amy Klein
Stacey Schimberg
Dr. David Schmerler
Sharon Spiegel
Paul Spitz
Tara Vigran

Past Festival Line-Ups


Matchmaking (Dir. Erez Tadmor, 2022)
Barren (Dir. Mordechai Vardi, 2022)
Irena’s Vow (Dir. Louis Archambault, 2023)
Children of Nobody (Dir. Erez Tadmor, 2022)
Jerry’s Last Mission (Dir. Louisa Merino, 2021)
The Boy (Short Film, Dir. Yahav Winner, z”l, 2023)
The Catskills (Lex Gillespie, 2024)
Kinderland (Short Film, Amy Grappell, 2021)
The Holy Closet (Dir. Moran Nakar, 2022)
Paddling for Life (Short Film, Dir. Judy Herbstein, 2021)
Remembering Gene Wilder (Dir. Ron Frank, 2023)
GIADO – Holocaust in the Desert (Dir. Sharon Ada Yaish, Golan Rise, 2023)
Anne (Short Film, Dir. Desirée Abeyta, Adi Eshman, 2022)
Vishniac (Dir. Laura Bialis, 2023)
Stay With Us (Dir. Gad Elmaleh, 2022)
Less Than Kosher (Dir. Daniel AM Rosenberg, 2023)
The Story of Annettte Zelman (Dir. Philippe Le Guay, 2023)


One More Story (Dir. Guri Alfi, 2021)
The Conference (Dir. Matti Geschonneck, 2022)
On This Happy Note (Dir. Tamar Tal Anati, 2021)
Polonsky (Short Film, Dir. Ofir Trainin, 2022)
Upheaval: The Journey of Menachem Begin (Dir. Jonathan Gruber, 2021)
Schächten – A Retribution (Dir. Thomas Roth, 2022)
1341 Frames of Love and War (Dir. Ran Tal, 2022)
Greener Pastures (Dirs. Matan Guggenheim and Assaf Abiri, 2020)
White Eye (Short Film, Dir. Tomer Shushan, 2019)
Rose (Dir. Aurélie Saada, 2021)
Not a Hero (Dir. Rubi Gat, 2021)
Marry Me However (Dir. Mordechai Vardi, 2020)
Periphery (Short Film, Dir. Sara Yacobi-Harris, 2021)
Farewell Mister Haffmann (Dir. Fred Cavayé, 2022)


Persian Lessons (Dir. Vadim Perelman, 2020)
200 Meters (Dir. Ameen Nayfeh, 2020)
Paradise (Short Film, Dir. Asaf Saban, 2021)
Alone Together (Dirs. Kineret Hay-Gillor and Maya Tiberman, 2019)Thou Shalt Not Hate (Dir. Mauro Mancini, 2020)
Masel Tov Cocktail (Short Film, Dirs. Arkadij Khaet and Mickey Paatzsch, 2020)Kiss Me Kosher (Dir. Shirel Peleg, 2020)
With Slight Steps (Short Film, Dir. Guy Hodes, 2019)Here We Are (Dir. Nir Bergman, 2020)Tiger Within (Dir. Rafal Zielinski, 2021)A Starry Sky Above the Roman Ghetto (Dir. Giulio Base, 2020)With No Land (Dirs. Aalam-Warqe Davidian and Kobi Davidian, 2021)Lune (Dirs. Aviva Armour-Ostroff and Arturo Pérez Torres, 2020)Forgiveness (Dirs. Hanan Savyon and Guy Amir, 2019)A Common Goal (Dir. Shuki Guzik, 2020)


A Cantors Head (Dir. Erik Greenberg Anjou, 2019)
A Jew Walks Into a Bar (Short Film, Dir. Jonathan Miller, 2018)
Sustainable Nation (Dir. Micah Smith, 2019)
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (Dir. Caroline Link, 2019)
The Art of Waiting (Dir. Erez Tadmor, 2020)
Torch (Short Film, Dir. Odeya Rosenak, 2017)
Transkids (Dir. Hilla Medalia, 2019)
Asia (Dir. Ruthy Pribar, 2020)
Grey Zone (Short Film, Dir. Gal Sagy, 2019)
They Ain’t Ready for Me (Dir. Brad Rothschild, 2019)
Dina Malul Fights Back (Short Film, Dir. Amit Saragosi, 2019)
Honeymood (Dir. Talya Lavie, 2020)
My Name is Sara (Dir. Steven Oritt, 2019)
Shared Legacies: The African-American Jewish Civil Rights Alliance (Dir. Shari Rogers, 2020)


The Unorthodox (Dir. Eliran Malka, 2018)Picture of His Life (Dir. Dani Menkin, Yonatan Nir, 2019)
Layam (Short Film, Dir. Assaf Machnes, 2018)Those Who Remained (Dir. Barnabás Tóth, 2019)The Spy Behind Home Plate (Dir. Aviva Kempner, 2019)The Passengers (Dir. Ryan S. Porush, 2019)
I Have a Message for You (Short Film, Dir. Matan Rochlitz, 2017)
How to Swim (Short Film, Dir. Noa Gusakov, 2018)
My Playground (Short Film, Dir. Seth Friedman, 2019)
Gefilte (Short Film, Dir. Rachel Fleit, 2018)
Beneath the Ink (Short Film, Dir. Cy Dodson, 2018)Love in Suspenders (Dir. Jorge Weller, 2019)Aulcie (Dir. Dani Menkin, 2019)Leona (Dir. Isaac Cherem, 2018)Family in Transition (Dir. Ofir Trainin, 2018)Working Woman (Dir. Michal Aviad, 2018)The Mamboniks (Dir. Lex Gillespie, 2019)Witness Theater (Dir. Oren Rudavsky, 2018)Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles (Dir. Max Lewkowicz, 2019)


An Act of Defiance (Dir. Jean Van De Velde, 2017)Budapest Noir (Dir. Éva Gárdos, 2017)
A Thousand Kisses (Short Film, Dir. Richard Goldgewicht, 2018)Keep the Change (Dir. Rachel Israel, 2017)
Wendy’s Shabbat (Short Film, Dir. Rachel Myers, 2018)The Last Suit (Dir. Pablo Solarz, 2017)
The Driver is Red (Short Film, Dir. Randall Christopher, 2017)Winter Hunt (Dir. Astrid Schult, 2018)Etgar Keret: Based on a True Story (Dir. Stephane Kaas, 2017)Dear Fredy (Dir. Rubi Gat, 2017)Shelter (Dir. Eran Riklis, 2018)Who Will Write Our History? The Secret Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto (Dir. Roberta Grossman, Exec. Producer Nancy Spielberg, 2018)The Invisibles (Dir. Claus Räfle, 2017)When the Smoke Clears: A Story of Brotherhood, Resilience, and Hope (Dir. Rebecca Shore, 2017)Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds: The Conductor Zubin Mehta (Dir. Bettina Ehrhardt, 2016)Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel (Dirs. Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, and Jeremy Newberger, 2018)


Hummus! The Movie (Dir. Oren Rosenfeld, 2016)Ben-Gurion, Epilogue (Dir. Yariv Mozer, 2016)The 90-Minute War (Dir. Eyal Tadmor, 2017)Home Port (Dir. Erez Tadmor, 2016)
The Gravedigger’s Daughter (Short Film, Dir. Shira Gabay, 2016)Scaffolding (Dir. Matan Yair, 2017)Across the Waters (Dir. Nicolo Donato, 2017)Bye Bye Germany (Dir. Sam Garbarski, 2017)And Then She Arrived (Dir. Roee Florentin, 2017)The Law (Dir. Christian Faure, 2015)Amor (Dir. Raphaël Rebibo, 2016)
Against Reinheitsgebot (Short Film, Dir. Adam Souriano, 2016)My Hero Brother (Dir. Yonatan Nir, 2016)Big Sonia (Dirs. Leah Warshawski and Todd Soliday, 2016)


Mr. Predictable (Dir. Roee Florentin, 2016)Fever at Dawn (Dir. Péter Gárdos, 2015)Who’s Gonna Love Me Now? (Dirs. Tomer Heymann and Barak Heymann, 2016)A Heartbeat Away (Dirs. Tal Barda and Noam Pinchas, 2016)The Last Mentsch (Dir. Pierre-Henry Salfati, 2014)
Broken Branches (Short Film, Dir. Ayala Sharot, 2014)Persona Non Grata (Dir. Cellin Gluck, 2015)Moos (Dir. Job Gosschalk, 2016)Mr. Gaga (Dir. Tomer Heymann, 2015)Wounded Land (Dir. Erez Tadmor, 2015)Time to Say Goodbye (Dir. Viviane Andereggen, 2015)
Hannah Cohen’s Holy Communion (Short Film, Dir. Shimmy Marcus, 2012)
A.K.A. Nadia (Dir. Tova Ascher, 2015)
On The Map (Dir. Dani Menkin, 2016)


Remember (Dir. Atom Egoyan, 2016)Look At Us Now, Mother! (Dir. Gayle Kirschenbaum, 2015)Victor “Young” Perez (Dir. Jacques Ouaniche, 2014)In Search of Israeli Cuisine (Dir. Roger M. Sherman, 2015)Serial (Bad) Weddings (Dir. Philippe De Chauveron, 2014)
The Seder (Short Film, Dir. Justin Kelly, 2011)Les Héritiers/Once in a Lifetime (Dir. Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar, 2014)Rock in the Red Zone (Dir. Laura Bialis, 2014)Fire Birds (Dir. Amir Wolf, 2015)Is That You? (Dir. Dani Menkin, 2014)Operation Sunflower (Dir. Avraham Kushnir, 2014)Hill Start (Dir. Oren Stern, 2014)Oriented (Dir. Jake Witzenfeld, 2015)Special Event – On Movies: A Conversation with Film Critic Leonard Maltin


Peace After Marriage (Dirs. Bandar Albuliwi and Ghazi Albuliwi, 2013)The Green Prince (Dir. Nadav Schirman, 2014)Aftermath (Dir. Władysław Pasikowski, 2013)24 Days (Dir. Alexandre Arcady, 2014)Dancing in Jaffa (Dir. Hilla Medalia, 2013)Bethlehem (Dir. Yuval Adler, 2013)Zero Motivation (Dir. Talya Lavie, 2014)The Third Half (Dir. Darko Mitrevski, 2012)Snails in the Rain (Dir. Yariv Mozer, 2013)Above and Beyond (Dir. Roberta Grossman, 2014)
Glue (Short Film, Dir. Michal Lavi, 2012)
Little Horribles: Minibar (Short Film, Dir. Amy York Rubin, 2013)

Summer Cinema Series:
Above and Beyond (Dir. Roberta Grossman, 2014)
Apples from the Dessert (Dirs. Arik Lubetzky and Matti Harari, 2014)
Dough (Dir. John Goldschmidt, 2015)


The Yellow Ticket (Dirs. Eugen Illés and Victor Janson, 1918)Eagles (Dir. Dror Sabo, 2012)
Kaddish For A Friend (Dir. Leo Khasin, 2011)
The Zig Zag Kid (Dir. Bal Vincent, 2012)Besa: The Promise (Dir. Rachel Goslins, 2012)The Ceremony (Dir. Avi Weissblei, 2013)Ameer Got His Gun (Dir. Naomi Levari, 2011)Cupcakes (Dir. Eytan Fox, 2013)
Once Upon a Bench (Short Film, Dir. Alexandra Torterotot, 2012)
The Bris (Short Film, Dir. CJ Johnson, 2010)
Welcome and…Our Condolences (Short Film, Dir. Leon Prudovsky, 2012)

Summer Cinema Series:
For a Woman (Dir. Diane Kurys, 2013)
Kaddish For A Friend (Dir. Leo Khasin, 2011)
Run Boy Run (Dir. Pepe Danquart, 2013)


Hava Nagila (Dir. Roberta Grossman, 2012)
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea (Dir. Thierry Binisti, 2011)
Cap or Kippah (Short Film, Dir. Susanne Engels, 2012)
Numbered (Dirs. Uriel Sinai and Dana Doron, 2012)
Just the Two of Us (Dir. Tzipi Baider, 2011)
Life in Stills (Dir. Tamar Tal, 2012)
Advice and Dissent (Short Film, Dir. Leib Cohen, 2002)
Orchestra of Exiles (Dir. Josh Aronson, 2012)
Blank Bullet (Dir. Haim Bouzaglo, 2010)
Mabul (The Flood) (Dir. Guy Nattiv, 2011)
Starring David (Short Film, Dir. Ester Gould, 2010)
The Day I Saw Your Heart (Dir. Jennifer Devoldère, 2011)

Summer Cinema Series:
Life in Stills (Dir. Tamar Tal, 2012)
My First Wedding (Dir. Ariel Winograd, 2011)
Portrait of Wally (Dir. Andrew Shea, 2012)


Salsa Tel Aviv (Dir. Jorge Weller, 2011)
Seltzer Works (Short Film, Dir. Jessica Edwards, 2010)
Blood Relation (Dir. Noa Ben Hagai, 2009)
Tasnim (Short Film, Dir. Elite Zexer, 2010)
Melting Away (Dir. Doron Eran, 2011)
The Debt (Dir. Assaf Bernstein, 2007)
La Rafle (The Roundup) (Dir. Roselyne Bosch, 2010)
Naomi (Dir. Eitan Zir, 2010)
Nicky’s Family (Dir. Matej Miná, 2011) 
Three Promises (Short Film, Dir. Edward Serotta, 2011)

Summer Cinema Series:
Melting Away (Dir. Doron Eran, 2011)
Arab Labor (TV Series, Dir. Roni Ninio, 2007)
This is Sodom (Dirs. Adam Sanderson and Muli Segev, 2010)


100 Voices: A Journey Home (Dirs. Matthew Asner and Danny Gold, 2010)

An Article of Hope (Dir. Daniel Cohen, 2010)

Anita (Dir. Marcos Carnevale, 2009)

Berlin ’36 (Dir. Kasper Heidelbach, 2009)

Seven Minutes in Heaven (Dir. Omri Givon, 2008)

The Matchmaker (Dir. Avi Nesher, 2010)

The Yankles (Dir. David R. Brooks, 2009)


Wedding in Galilee (Dir. Michel Khleifi, 1987)
Echoes of Conflict (Dir. Gur Heller, 1991)
Hamsin (Dir. Daniel Wachsmann, 1982)

1988 Israeli Film Festival in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the State of Israel

Noa at Seventeen (Dir. Isaac Zepel Yeshurun, 1982)
Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer (Dir. Thorold Dickinson, 1955)
Kazablan (Dir. Menahem Golan, 1973)
My Michael (Dir. Dan Wolman, 1975)

Meet the Team

The Jewish & Israeli Film Festival is coordinated by Mayerson JCC staff and a committee of volunteers. 

Related Programs

The mission of the Mayerson JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Festival is to educate, engage, and create connections within the Jewish community and beyond with the broader Cincinnati community. The Festival presents quality films that broaden and challenge perspectives, entertain, and appeal to a wide audience base. The views and opinions expressed in the films and special events in the Festival are those of the filmmakers or speakers. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Mayerson JCC, Festival Committee, staff, board, sponsors, or volunteers.