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Jewish & Israeli Film Festival

OPENING NIGHT: Matchmaking

This film is part of the Jewish & Israeli Film Festival.


February 3, 2024


7:30 pm


Memorial Hall
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February 3, 2024 @ 7:30 pm

7:30pm ET | In-Person at Memorial Hall 
2022 ∙ Romantic Comedy ∙ 98 minutes ∙ Hebrew ∙ Erez Tadmor

This sweet forbidden romance is a joyous tale about tolerance and love. Moti Bernstein is the son every mother wants, the student every Rabbi loves to teach, the ideal Yeshiva study mate, the perfect match for every bride. In search of a wife, he will meet the best girls in the Jewish Orthodox world but will fall for the one girl he can never have, and the only one he wants: Nechama. Against everything he knows and every value he holds dear, Moti will be forced to go out on a limb in the most unexpected and unusual of ways.

Ticket includes an opening night reception.

Presenting Partner: Jewish Federation of Cincinnati – Young Adult Division and Mayerson JCC 20s & 30s

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