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60 & Better

Care Provider Forum

Come to the J to hear from Stuart Solomon and his panel about Medicare, financial planning, real estate, and senior housing.
Man supporting his mom


September 13, 2023


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm



September 13, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 7:30 pm

Join the Mayerson JCC and Jewish Family Service for an evening of information for caretakers and loved ones.

More than 40 million adults in the US are providing care for a loved one. Whether the tasks are heavy or light, they often can stretch a person’s abilities to cope beyond their ability or endurance. But, the resources are out there if you know where to look.

Join others to hear from leading caregiving experts, become aware of helpful resources, experience support, and gain new caregiving insights. There will be a panel discussion featuring information on Medicare, financial planning, real estate and seniors housing, as well as numerous service providers available to answer questions or help connect you to valuable area resources.


Presented with support from the Jewish Home of Cincinnati and The Seasons.
In partnership with Jewish Family Service.

Questions? Contact Louis Liner at [email protected] or 513.761.7500 ext. 1226

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